pengambil sumpah bahasa Inggris
- pengambil: taker
- sumpah: curse; oath; vow; word of honour; on/under oath;
- sumpah: curse; oath; vow; word of honour; on/under oath; swearword; anathemize; consecrate; condemnation; bedamn; bond; damn; cuss; swearing; execration; anathemise; appointment; beshrew; pledge; maledict;
- sumpah-sumpah: chameleon; chamaeleon
- pelat pengambil: getter plate
- pengambil alih: receiver
- pengambil alihan: expropriation; confiscation
- pengambil arus: colecting-brush; current collector
- pengambil manfaat: proflter
- pengambil-alihan: assumption of
- pengambil-keputusan: decision-maker
- sumpah-sumpah (buruj): chamaeleon
- akta sumpah: affidafit
- atas sumpah: by oath
- mengambil sumpah: administer an oath; administered an oath; administering an oath; swear in; swore in; sworn in; take oath; taken oath; taking oath